… Huh?

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Happy Friday!

Have you seen posts on Instagram with a link associated {liketk.ot/blahblah} and wondered what on earth it is? Well my friends, I am going to share the next best thing since online shopping with you! is a tool that allows bloggers to provide clickable shopping links to their Instagrams and when a registered user likes the photo, they will get an email with the details. Now how cool is that?! Thankfully, takes care of the techy stuff so when I see a super cute outfit, or pair of shoes I just have to have, I like the ‘gram and then shop from the email I receive!

How To Get Started?Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 8.45.53 PM

Registration is super easy! Simply go to  and register your Instagram account. Next, choose your settings like what Language you want or how often you want your emails. That is right, you can decide! I personally have my settings on ASAP, because, sometimes a girl just has to know! {Get a head start and browse your favorite ‘grammers (’their instagram name) and receive emails when you like the photos!}

Now What?

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Log into Instagram and start scrolling! When you see an Insta with a ‘’ tag and you love the pic, double tap to like, and wait for your email to arrive. When you open up the email you will see something similar to the ‘Shop from your inbox’ picture above. The Instagram photo will be present with smaller thumbnails of the clickable items. As a rule of thumb, I will post the exact item or a very similar piece. I try not to go overboard with ‘similar options’ unless there are so many great options I think you would love to see!

Time to start shopping!

That’s it … you’re done! So what do you think? Will you use


    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:14 am

      Thank you Laura! I love LTK and wanted to share it with the world!

  1. Jenn E
    September 26, 2014 / 5:43 pm

    This is great! I love checking instagram for fashion inspiration so this makes it so much easier!!

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:14 am

      Isn’t it awesome?! I love getting the details straight to my inbox!

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:07 am

      It is awesome … you should give it a go!

  2. Ashley Bree Perez
    September 28, 2014 / 12:20 pm

    I have this app!

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:08 am

      Isn’t it such a great tool?

  3. janice
    September 28, 2014 / 6:13 pm

    I have the app!

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:08 am

      Isn’t it awesome!?

  4. lauren
    September 29, 2014 / 3:25 pm

    WOW!! I’m getting it now!!

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:09 am

      Great!! You will love it!

  5. September 29, 2014 / 5:56 pm

    Great LTK summary! Well said! XO


    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:09 am

      Thank you sweet girl!

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:10 am

      Thanks girly!!

  6. September 30, 2014 / 4:31 pm

    This is awesome and so easy to shop looks!

    If you have a second I would love to hear your thoughts on my most recent blog post. XXOO

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:11 am

      Thank you Amanda! I can’t wait to see what is on your blog!

  7. E Kay
    October 1, 2014 / 7:23 am

    I wish they featured popular instagram users and not just bloggers. I’ve come across some of the most stylish girls that only seem to use ig.

    • Monique
      October 1, 2014 / 9:13 am

      I completely agree! There are some IG accounts I follow because of their great style and would love it straight to my inbox.

  8. October 21, 2014 / 6:42 am

    Thanks a lot for giving me the much needed push to register with! I’ve been planning to look into it for ages, but hadn’t got around to it until I read your post.

    • Monique
      October 21, 2014 / 8:38 am

      You’re welcome! I am so glad you found the post helpful! I love … such a great tool!