Taking my Fitbit to Stone Mountain


During the summer months, the heat can make it extremely difficult to get outside and be active {unless you consider swimming around the pool}.

So, when I received my Fitbit from Purchase Popular* and started recording my daily activity, I was a bit disappointed and embarrassed of the little amount of physical activity I would partake in.

It was especially bad on work days. So, Paolo and I have made a point to find fun activities that we can do in order to hit our daily step goal {yes bowling is one of them!}.

*Purchase Popular is sold out of the FitBit currently, but check back, they are listed at only $79!

Stone Mountain

Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit Stone-Mountain-Georgia-FitbitLast winter, Paolo and I bundled up and headed to Stone Mountain {for those of you not from Georgia, it is a large stone mountain about 30 minutes outside of the city}. We weren’t sure what to expect, but it was something along the lines of a leisurely stroll winding around the mountain.


The Mountain starts rather flat with a slab of rock in the sunlight.

Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit

As you venture up the Mountain, the terrain breaks up with large rocks, which are perfect for toning up those glutes! There are also more trees with plenty of shade to escape the hot sun’s rays.

Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit

About half way up, the mountain begins a steeper incline. There are still boulder rocks, but the surface begins to flatten out. On a hot summer day, this is about the point I am craving a lake to jump into.


A little over half way up the mountain and you will find great viewing areas. In the picture above I am looking at the city of Atlanta and Buckhead {I am sorry I cropped the picture bad}.


Then you reach this steep incline which has a railing to hang onto for support and balance. These pictures don’t do it justice, but take my word, you will want a sip of water after. Thankfully, there is a great rock at the top of the hill which is perfect for pictures and a water break!


Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit   Stone-Mountain-Georgia-FitbitStone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit   Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit

Lastly, after the water break, you approach an extremely sharp incline. At this point, you can expect your heart rate to be up, your hair to be sticking to your skin, and your calves feeling pretty great. Paolo is a little bit crazy and likes to run up this part, so I graciously offer to take photos.

Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit

Alas, when you make it to the top of the mountain, there is a lodge with historical information, a convenience shop {think popcorn and pop machines} and amazing views. On the back patio there are pay-per-view binoculars.

Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit

On the way back down I generally feel a bit of relief and a huge sense of accomplishment! I challenge myself to hit new records each hike and it turns into a great day-date!

Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit Stone-Mountain-Georgia-Fitbit

Thanks to my FitBit I am now leading a more active and healthier life!



  1. Maria
    August 4, 2015 / 3:38 pm

    Great post! You made me want to climb Stone Mountain!!!

    • Monique
      August 6, 2015 / 8:43 am

      Thank you!! We will have to go next time you guys are in town!

  2. August 6, 2015 / 1:55 pm

    I haven’t climbed stone mountain in so long! I’m definitely going to go in the next few weeks.