Business Casual with Topshop


Topshop Topshop Topshop Topshop

It has officially began … my transition into adulthood. Not that I didn’t feel like an adult until now, but my wardrobe and conscious sure didn’t! As of recently, there is a small voice {not really … at least I don’t think I am crazy} that plays devils advocate with everything I pick out. ‘Is this something that you can wear to work and then happy hour and to brunch on Sundays?’ If the answer is no, then it goes back on the rack. As of recently, I have been getting good at spotting versatile pieces, like these two Topshop shirts. This chambray top disguises itself perfectly as a traditional button down when paired with a black pencil skirt. I layered it with this adorable short sleeve lace shirt to add a bit of elegance to the look. I will be wearing both of these shirts all season long!

Disclaimer : I purchase non versatile pieces for specific events  – or for vacation 

O U T F I T d e t a i l s

chambray top  topshop {c/o} | lace top topshop {c/o} | skirt nordstrom {not online} belt targetheels madden girl | purse kate spade {old}


  1. April 2, 2015 / 7:50 am

    Great Big Girl outfit, it looks adorable on you! Don’t worry big girl clothes are fun too!


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  2. April 2, 2015 / 10:59 am

    This is super cute! I love that you make sure everything is versatile! It’s so important when building a lasting wardrobe!


  3. April 2, 2015 / 1:30 pm

    I have been doing the same: Can I work this to an interview as well as a fancy date? Just asking myself whether it works stops SO many impulse purchases!

    Meg of An Affair of Character

  4. April 6, 2015 / 2:57 pm

    Love this “grown up” look! That skirt is fantastic and incredibly versatile! XO
